Wednesday, September 18, 2024

7 Easy Ways to Understanding Your Life Partner

Your life partner is that person whom you have committed to sharing the rest of your life with. Today, many relationships in this regard have gone sour simply because they know each other just on the surface. That means they never took time to get to understand who their partners really are as individuals. Concentrating on physical appearances, material possessions, financial well-being, fame or power can be very ephemeral and deceiving, and can rock the ship of relationships in a flash.
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex

Since no one individual is the same with another due to nature and nurture, it becomes imperative for you to take that extra step to understand your partner. Understanding your partner means knowing the values, the aspirations and the priorities of the person. Do you know his/her ‘hot’ buttons? Do you know what tickles his/her fancy? What angers or pleases him/her? Can you predict your partner’s action or reaction at any point in time? There is therefore no gain saying that understanding your partner requires an extra effort. Because it is worth doing, the essence of this piece is to share with you some easy, simple steps you can take to making this happen.
Body Language. Body language means non-verbal, usually unconscious communication through postures, gestures, facial expressions and so on. This is a communication that is not expressed but very vital. You need to take interest in your partner and by so doing, you’ll be able to figure out those unexpressed concerns. Look at his/her face, and into his/her eyes and you discover to your chagrin that he or she is ‘speaking’ volume.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Top 7 Best Qualities in a Husband

Best qualities in a husband, who can discover?! There are husbands and there are husbands! And friends, no one is perfect. No one husband is perfect. For ladies and girls who are finding it difficult choosing their life partners, this piece would really be helpful. Many atimes, they base their choices on the man’s looks and his material acquisitions. Those are good but the big question is: does the man have the qualities that make a good husband? If the answer is no, then the marriage will not work.

No wonder divorces and separations in marriage seem to be on the rise for a long time now. However, this is an opportunity for you – young lady, young girl – to take your time to look out for the traits in your future life partner that will, indeed, shape and make your marriage joyful.
1.   Friendly Disposition. Being friendly disposed always, is one of the best qualities in a husband. An understanding, kind and warm man is the kind of husband every woman aspires to marry. He is always positive and friendly, not only to his wife and children but also to everyone he comes in contact with. Pride is not in his dictionary.
2.   Fidelity. No woman wants to see or even hear from the grapevine that her husband is going out with another woman. As a result, faithfulness is one other best quality a wife desires so much in a husband. A man who is a husband always remembers his marital vows. He is a man of honor and integrity. A husband that a wife can trust, any day, any time.
3.   Reliability. Are you a reliable man? Are you responsible and supportive? These are those best qualities in a husband that every woman would like to experience. Can your wife count on you in all circumstances? Can you support her in the good and bad times? Can you care for her, no matter what? Can you answer in the affirmative to al these posers? Then that gem in a good husband is in you.